Back to search Add to basket Register/Login to access Scenery - Sailing past Kapiti Island Interislander’s Kaiarahi ferry sails past Kapiti Island on a rare excursion through the North Entrance Asset type image Asset extension JPG File size 14.56 MB Dimensions 4662×3170px ID 184837 Licence Licence Royalty free Royalty free use worldwide in paid or unpaid media, provided any use benefits KiwiRail Limited Expiry No expiry date Added at 21 September 2021 23:46 Source: KiwiRail brand toolkit Credit Robin Heyworth View full term of use Tags Interislander Interislander IBO Kapiti scenic
Interislander’s Kaiarahi ferry sails past Kapiti Island on a rare excursion through the North Entrance
Licence Licence Royalty free Royalty free use worldwide in paid or unpaid media, provided any use benefits KiwiRail Limited