Back to search Add to basket Register/Login to access Sailing By Blackwood Bay View from Kaitaki of Blackwood Bay Asset type image Asset extension PNG File size 19.6 MB Dimensions 4979×2930px ID 183870 Licence Licence Worldwide with Attribution Royalty Free use worldwide provided you show attribution or credit to, Great Journeys New Zealand, or the person or entity named in the asset detail. Expiry No expiry date Release date 31 August 2016 Added at 31 August 2016 23:35 Source: KiwiRail brand toolkit Credit Robin Heyworth Location Blackwood Bay Queen Charlotte Sound Marlborough New Zealand View full term of use Tags ferry Interislander Kaitaki Marlborough Sounds on board onboard Photographer queen charlotte sound scenery scenic
Licence Licence Worldwide with Attribution Royalty Free use worldwide provided you show attribution or credit to, Great Journeys New Zealand, or the person or entity named in the asset detail.
ferry Interislander Kaitaki Marlborough Sounds on board onboard Photographer queen charlotte sound scenery scenic